West Africa, Gabon, Cameroon, Congo, Zaire, concentrated between Stanley Pool and Kiwu, in the Province of Equator and around Kisantu.
Valuable veneer wood, specially used as slicing wood for face veneer with close veins. Architectural wood for furniture, paneling and parquet flooring, construction lumber. Generally cut halfround on the staylog.
The heartwood is two-colored light brown, later darkening to coffee brown to black-violet, similar to Rosewood. Has to be intensively cooked and sliced hot. The heartwood is most resistant to fungi, insect attack and the weather.
Despite its hardness Wenge can still be worked well with all tools but this calls for considerable power.
Drying is very slow and only when properly controlled is there little risk of dry checking. Stability is very good in dried state.
Due to its coarse pore texture and parenchyma band deposits this wood is difficult to varnish. Best suitable are DD and PU varnishes at a wood moisture content not in excess of 12 %.
Gluing is rather difficult. Casein and synthetic resin glues have proved successful. Screw and nail joints should be pre-drilled.